
Fervent Goodbyes – A short story.

“Goodbyes, they often come in waves.” – Jarod Kintz

The soulful symphonies of her last breaths echoed in his ears. Their souls kissed a fervent goodbye, in slow motion.

This is my attempt at coming up with a short story in exactly 20 words in response to the Twenty Word Tuesday held by Bulbul’s Bubble. (

The prompt for this week was – slow motion.

This was my take at the prompt. I hope I was able to do justice.

53 replies on “Fervent Goodbyes – A short story.”

This speaks at so many volumes. The pain of goodbyes and the love between two souls. Two souls if in love the way you have portrayed really just transcends form. Maybe the other has to love himself/herself for both of them. Excellently written Rishika. 😇

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