
Nothing Missing

Google Images

Something missing.
We think we are pieces of a puzzle,
You and I.

The last of our expectations.
immersed in the notion of something
that will fulfill us.

We are so intrigued with this idea
of someone
Completing us.
Healing us.
Filling us.

Sometimes I wonder…
Maybe we were born whole,
not nuts and bolts.
not a jigsaw puzzle.
nothing missing.

Google Images

The Aftermath

Image from: englishour

I sit here in silence
surrounded by the echoes
of who we used to be.

I sit here in silence
This Darkness is my companion
how did it get ahold of me?

I sit here in silence
The memories of our past
clasp my throat; I am choking.

I sit here in silence
The tears of your love
in my eyes, are blinding me.

I sit here in silence
There’s a void inside of me
it’s where your promises used to be.

I sit here in silence
Dealing with the aftermath
of an epic love. Your love.

I breathe in. I breathe out.

Inhale. Exhale.

Image from: Google images

Fervent Goodbyes – A short story.

The soulful symphonies of her last breaths echoed in his ears. Their souls kissed a fervent goodbye, in slow motion.

This is my attempt at coming up with a short story in exactly 20 words in response to the Twenty Word Tuesday held by Bulbul’s Bubble. (

The prompt for this week was – slow motion.

This was my take at the prompt. I hope I was able to do justice.