
Fervent Goodbyes – A short story.

The soulful symphonies of her last breaths echoed in his ears. Their souls kissed a fervent goodbye, in slow motion.

This is my attempt at coming up with a short story in exactly 20 words in response to the Twenty Word Tuesday held by Bulbul’s Bubble. (

The prompt for this week was – slow motion.

This was my take at the prompt. I hope I was able to do justice.


My Monsters

A familiar feeling flooded me
A chill in my bones,
I shuddered, I grimaced
anticipating the callous blow

And then all at once,
It felt cold. tyrannical. merciless.
I shuddered, I grimaced
weary of its hostility

I felt my heart beating frantically,
I heard blood rushing in my veins,
I heard my panic mocking me
as though I was powerless

A familiar feeling flooded me
A chill in my bones,
there was no escape now,
my monsters befell me

So I sat there motionless,
they finally arrived
greetings, Depression.
greetings, Anxiety.
greetings, Terror.
My Monsters.