
Starry Night

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‘Twas a starry night. So, he tossed and turned suffocated under the burden of sleep, that eluded him

Through the windows, he saw the stars. Obscure and distant.

So he beseeched them, “Do we appear as minuscule to you as you do to us?”

They twinkled and gleamed, “yes” they whispered back.

One sole abstruse star, celestial and heavenly, whispered, “but when we fall, we see heads bowed, eyes closed, lips moving.”

Its dazzling luminescence unfaltering, “When we fall, in you we see light.”

“Light,” the young boy chuckled, “light is what you are made of.”


“In you, I see the light of hope, gratitude, love and prayer,” it murmured, “and that shines brighter than all.”

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So I know that I haven’t posted in a very long time. My college started and it’s really hectic right now.

I am trying to manage time better, so I hope I can post more frequently. I hope all of you are doing well.


The Cliff

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Hearts, hammering and hurting
Soundless prayers, begging
Unfamiliar nausea, flooding over
Strength, emerging from the tears

In the distance :
A shrill, piercing screech
striving to tear
through the peripheral traffic.

Another day, Another tragedy,
Another life in the balance.
Another life hanging by the cliff.

Wanting to hoist itself above
when there’s only enough to let go
A combat for another breath
Life, the only war spoil

In the distance :
A fleeting image of an ambulance,
A whizz of sirens defying all odds
A cascade of orisons and hopes.

Another day, Another tragedy,
Another life in the balance.
Another life hanging by the cliff.

Steady then Shaky.
Erratic at best.

A few days ago, I stood by my balcony, talking on the phone. And during that 20 minute phone call I heard 4 ambulances rushing by. That is where I found my inspiration to write this. We are currently surviving in trying times. Things will get better. I am proud of all of us for facing them! More power to us.

P.S I am so sorry for not being able to be up to date with all my reading. I have been busy with exams for the past week.

But I am back now! Looking forward to hearing from all of you and reading more of your amazing pieces!

All my love and hugs to you guys! Stay safe.