
Award Nominations!

Three award nominations!

Firstly, a huge shout out and thank you to Nawazish ( for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. She uses her words to talk about issues of social awareness and has a very creative and forward take. I really appreciate her efforts to bring these issues under the spotlight. Check out her blog! You won’t be disappointed.

Another huge shout out and thank you to Reshmi ( for nominating me for the Liebster Award. She is one of my favourite bloggers because she has a very wide array of content on her blog. From poems to write ups, quotes and images! She has it all. One of her recent posts “an ode to my laptop,” is my absolute favourite! Please do check out her blog.

Also, thank you to 1972italy ( for nominating me for the Liebster award. I came across the “Today Blog” sometime ago and have since then been a fan! From musings to wonderful write ups to beautiful photography, it in an all in one platform. Do check it out, when you can! It’s almost addictive.

And thank you, to every single one of you who is reading this and my other writings/posts. Thank you for your advice and support. I am young and have a lot to learn. I do not think of myself as an outstanding writer/poet, but I yearn to be one, and you are helping me get there. For that, I am grateful. All my love and appreciation to you, from the bottom of my heart.

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked of you.
  • List the rules and include the award logo(s)
  • Write a new list of questions for your nominees.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers.

My Answers

For the Sunshine Blogger Award

  • Which Country do you reside in? I am from New Delhi, India.
  • A place you visit to calm your mind or heal yourself? As a child, I went on a field trip to Humayun’s Tomb in my city, which is actually a spread out and beautiful place. Being out there during bad or difficult times gives me perspective. When it isn’t possible to visit, I find solace in a walk through the parks/gardens.
  • Your favourite movie and why? I don’t really have a favourite. It depends on my mood, mostly!
  • A memory from childhood that is very close to your heart? I am a very family oriented person who comes from a very close-knit family. I have scrap books filled with memories I adore!
  • You prefer beaches or mountains? BEACHES all the way! I am a huge fan of the ocean, it’s where I am really comfortable and happy. Plus, I have a huge fear of heights so I don’t do well on mountains.
  • What makes you really agree? I am known to be a bit stubborn and set in my ways, so it usually takes a lot to convince me. I am not particularly proud of this but that is just how it is.
  • What do you look out in any relationship that you form? I am a huge believer in connecting with people on an emotional and intellectual level. Besides that, honesty, comfort, the ability to talk freely and enjoy!
  • What would you change about yourself, if you had the chance? I have this tendency to be either completely detached or overly sensitive and emotional. I’d like to find a balance between the two.
  • What is your favourite day to spend a day off? It depends on what mood I am in, actually. It could be simply spending the day at home with pizza, coffee, cheesecake and Netflix. Or maybe a long drive with good music!
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert or an ambivert? I am a total ambivert!
  • What was the last TV series you binge watched? Broadchurch on Netflix. It’s a really thrilling murder mystery!

My Questions

  1. If you could live anywhere in the World, where would you?
  2. Do you prefer books or movies? Why?
  3. How do you define happiness?
  4. What is your favourite quote?
  5. How would you spend your perfect day?
  6. If you had a chance to time travel, would you visit the past or the future, why?
  7. Describe yourself in 3 words.
  8. Why did you start blogging?
  9. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
  10. Tell me about any one of your fears?
  11. If you had to choose between money and love, what would it be? Why?

My Nominees:

For the Liebster Award

  • What is a new habit you want to form or an old one you want to quit? I tend to hold on to the past a lot, I’d like to teach myself that it is okay to let go of it, sometimes.
  • If you could time travel, when and where would you go? I’d like to be an 8-year old over again! Eager to witness the World and yearning to create memories! Or maybe, 18th century France because the French revolution inspires me.
  • Where would you like to travel after the pandemic? I had plans to visit Australia after my examinations this year. Kind of my first solo trip! Those got cancelled, of course, due to the pandemic. So, that’s where I’d like to go.
  • What would the title of your autobiography be? Okay, I love this question!! I am not sure about it, though, I think it will come to me when I write it. How about, “My Enigma,” maybe?
  • What was your favourite subject in school? I just finished school, so this one is easy. Biology.
  • Which is your favourite song? Fix You by Coldplay or What Am I by Why Don’t We, currently, that is. They change a lot, haha.
  • What is your favourite colour? Black, green and orange.
  • What fictional character do you wish you could meet? I can not choose one!! Off the top of my head, Miriam and Laila from A Thousand Splendid Suns, Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice, or Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth from Little Women!
  • What cartoon do you still like to watch? Tom and Jerry, haha! I think it might be my guilty pleasure.
  • What inspired you to start a blog? I have been writing for some time but I was never one to share it with others. During the lockdowns during the pandemic, I started it as a way to express my thoughts and ideas with people around the world even while I was isolated.
  • What is your favourite memory from childhood? Probably forcing my parents to take me to amusement parks and then being too chicken to go on all of the “fun” rides. Eventually, dragging them with me on rides only to have my mom completely freaking out and my dad laughing his head off!
  • Who is your favourite author and why? This changes every time I read a book I like!
  • What got you into writing? Too many thoughts floating around in my head and I found that the best outlet was putting pen to paper.
  • Who are your idols? As a child, I was told to not idolize just one person and make my life about being like them but to find myself and be the best version of myself I could be! I do, however, look up to the people who taught me this. My parents.
  • What is your favourite thing to do? WRITING or eating cheesecake, pizza, dark chocolate and black coffee. That makes a killer meal lol.
  • What was the best compliment you ever got? A friend once told me, I was the literal embodiment of sunshine and rainbows in their life and that I inspired them to be a better person. Fun fact: I suck at receiving compliments. It is very difficult for me to accept them. So I said, “Do you need help with something or what?” Turns out, they were genuinely just complimenting me!
  • What is your favourite season and why? Depends on when you’re asking me. In summers, my favourite season is monsoon. During the monsoon months, it becomes winter. Ask me during winter, and I will say I adore summers. In my part of the World, it is the monsoon season, so my current favourite is winters, lol.
  • What is the first book you ever read? I am not particularly proud of this, but them again, I was 7 or 8! This series called the Ramona Quimby.
  • What is the best advice on writing you ever got? 2 words. Be Honest.
  • What keeps you going? My family, for sure. And the belief that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and on my way to exactly what is meant for me.
  • What is your favourite way to unwind at the end of the day? A cup of coffee and a good book. Maybe a nap. A few good jokes, maybe? And of course, my family. Like I said, I am a very family oriented kind of girl!

My Questions

  1. When and why did you start writing?
  2. If you had a chance to time travel, would you visit the past or the future, why?
  3. If you could live anywhere in the World, where would you?
  4. If you could be anything and anyone you wanted, who/what would you be?
  5. Describe yourself in 3 words.
  6. Tell me about any one of your fears?
  7. Suggest a theme/idea you’d like me to write about?
  8. Tell me about any one of your fears?
  9. What is success to you?
  10. How would you define happiness?
  11. Favourite movie/TV series/Documentary?

My Nominees:

I absolutely adored answering these!

Thank you once again for the nominations.

And thank you, to all of you.

111 replies on “Award Nominations!”

I really loved your answers! I too love A thousand Splendid suns or rather all of Khaled Hosseni works! I also happen to be ambivert, love cheesecake and a bit hard headed too!! I loved the time I spent in Humayun’s tomb when I was in Delhi once. I would really love to visit Delhi again and to spent my time in Historical Monuments!!❣❣❤❤

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I started writing in 2018 because I had done quite bad in my board exams. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the thoughts (negative) so I turned to writing. I started on Instagram and I started blogging from this January only. I would like to visit the future. Because I think we should always move forward, what’s done is done.
I love California, so I would like to live there.
I would love to be like my mom. She’s a perfect woman in my opinion.
Moody, overthinker, caring
I fear boundaries. Suffocation in life. Dependence of others . It’s one only i guess 😅😅
You should write about relationship between parents and children.
Satisfaction is success. If I’m satisfied with my life at any point, I’m successful
Yjhd is my favourite.

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I loved reading your answers, muskan. Thank you for responding. I too believe that what’s done is done. YJHD is an all time favourite omg. You have a great blog. All the best with that! 💕


Congratulations Rishika 😊 Thank you for the nomination 💕 I would like to answer your questions here, if you don’t mind.
1.When and why did you start writing?
➡ My writing journey started when I was just seven. Writing is my voice, strength, passion and an escape to the world I imagine.
2. If you had a chance to time travel, would you visit the past or the future, why?
➡ I would like to visit the past to relive those memorable moments of my life 😊
3. If you could live anywhere in the World, where would you?
➡ I want to live in a rainforest, a place where I’m cocooned in nature.
4. If you could be anything and anyone you wanted, who/what would you be?
➡ I could be a butterfly with my choice of colors. 😁🌈
5. Describe yourself in 3 words.
➡ motivated, curious, creative
6. Tell me about any one of your fears?
➡ bees and wasps freak me out!
7. Suggest a theme/idea you’d like me to write about?
➡ should introverts be forced to socialise or interact more?
8. What is success to you?
➡ success to me is when I learn from my mistakes, and get up again when I fall down!
9. How would you define happiness?
➡ anything and everything which gives you satisfaction and a feeling of just being yourself 😀
10. Favourite movie/TV series/Documentary?
➡ science fiction like interstellar etc

(6th and 8th question in your post is the same)

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Thank you for responding, Prerna. I loved reading these! Butterflies are beautiful! I’d like to be one too, maybe haha. Interstellar is great. Dang, didn’t notice the 6th and 8th question thing 🤦🏻‍♀️
Thank you for responding! Have a happy day. 🌼

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Congratulations Rishika 💙
You know what I to live in Delhi and biology was one of my fav subjects too in school 🙂🙂, and yes Ambivert
Hope this pandemic ends soon and you can have your awaited solo trip 😊😊

And thanks a lot for nomination 🤗

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1. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would still be in Nepal. There’s no second alternative to it 💓

2. Books over movies, movies have every events so quick and fast happening, I just love how stories in books slowly develop.

3. Happiness is there where you are around people who respect and love you!

4. “Throw kindness around like confetti” is my most favorite quote !

5. I would just lie around my house in Pajamas 💓

6. If I got chance to time travel, I would meet my Granddad, I miss him so much ✨

7. Extremely-emotional, over-thinker, dreamer

8. Someone around me constantly asked me to start blogging as they love the way I wrote, I thought that for almost 2 years and here I am now!

9. I see how truthful their eyes are and their voice! 💓

10. I hate speed since my accident in 2018.

11. I would choose love. I want to be rich with the love of my life, together!

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Firstly,Hearty Congratulations to you on the achievement.
Your answers were awesome.
It really really means a lot to me.
Your questions are quite intresting.
It will take some time to post me regarding the same.
I hope you understand.
Have a nice day dear.😊

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Heyy! Sorry I am late(very), I wasn’t much active for the past few days.
So, congratulations for the awards!!

Thank you for the nomination. I really appreciate it. Well, I have stopped accepting awards some time ago, so I won’t be able to post the answers. But, if you like, I can post the answers here. If it’s okay with you.
Thank you again!

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